Posted in life


The mind, a shell

There are multiple sections in the mind inhibited,

Each a world apart from the other

Each section reflected in the universe outside

Each section a shell,

Each an ocean deep well within itself

Each shell strung to its subset of realities

There are multiple realities that traverse parallel within it

Also parallel to creeks of realities in another shell

Each reality unfolds passages to its own vastness

Each passage leads to abundant possibilities but with unequal unknown probabilities

Rewinding to the shell

Can you step into a shell, fall through

Can you float out of it and roll into another uncorrelated reality,

As you fall through,

Can you split up into multiple renditions of yourself?

And raft through creeks of another reality?

Creeks within a passage, of a sister shell?

A nut, blessed with shells within the shell,

 Its shell splits at the start at a singular point,

And a perfect rendezvous at its end,

Can all these realities be traversed in, by a single soul?

As to the hold the elements of the matter together,

A single rivulet from start to end ain’t enough,

As it is but a string not a shell.

And you need a to fuse all realities into one,

One shell, a perfect shell.

P.S- Something born out complexities in the mind, the dream to see the mind’s vision reflected in reality and the need and want to attack the dream from all sides. 


wandering in a field of nothingness..

10 thoughts on “Shell

  1. I just made a comment on why I like your blog so much – this poem proves my point. I love how you can express such complexity so simply and eloquently.


  2. So many worlds and possibilities split between each shell and each one revealing themselves when taken apart, so well put as always Pranita 🙂


  3. our mind is really complex hard to imagine the complex illusions and depth of the beautifull images it right teacher?


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